A New Animated Short Film
By Luck Dragon Media and Elaine A. Powers

Join Curtis, a curious and spirited curly-tailed lizard, on a heartwarming journey through the vibrant landscapes of the Bahamas. In this charming road trip film, our scaly friend discovers courage, faces new challenges, and learns the true meaning of home.

Based on the original work by Elaine Powers.
Written & Directed by Michael Peterson. Animated & Produced by Brad Peterson. Starring Brad Peterson, Michael Peterson, Ann Cummings, and Brenden Daley.

Paying It Forward

A portion of your contributions will go directly to the International Iguana Foundation, a IUCN affiliated non-profit helping to fund the field research, species support, habitat restoration, and community outreach needed to keep iguanas protected in the wild.

Other Ways to Help

Spread the word! Tell a friend. Tell a colleague. Tell a classmate. Tell your followers. Share our Indiegogo campaign with anyone who may be interested in supporting the Curtis Curly-Tail story.  Also, follow us on Instagram @luckdragonmedia.

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Cast and Crew

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